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Downtown centre of Santiago. The city was founded in 1541 by Pedro de Valdivia and has today a population of 6.3m.
Santiago is situated in central valley and is surrounded by the southern Andes mountains.
Views of the of santiago from San Cristobel lookout.
Metropolitana de Santiago Cathedril
Construction started in 1748 and opened in 1800. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile.
Undurraga Winery
In 1885 Vina Undurraga was founded with first patch of vine plants coming from France and Germany.
Today Undurraga winery produces top quality Chilian red, white and sparkling wines.
A Cafe in the Alemania Avenue district of Valparaiso.
Local Corner Shop
Vina del Mar
A coastal resort city in Valparaiso region.